Writing Down the Ink #1

As I make my way through 33 bottles of ink, I offer the first in an irregular personal feature documenting what’s discovered about my relationship to these inks and how the using-up-ink process fares. These first few pages of my “Ink Journey” Webbie began as sample writing pages for the Webbie review. They ended with a realization about the inks in my possession.

Pages have been scanned with an Epson 800 Artisan printer. The scans distort the Webbie pages, making the point where the pages come together look lighter in color. Yet the scans give a very good representation of the ink color on the ivory pages.

Those of you freaking out over my current game with myself may wish to shield your eyes...

5 thoughts on “Writing Down the Ink #1

  1. Thanks for the ink samples, Julie. I’m a “reviving penman”, amateur division. When I broke away from black, I had to argue w/ myself, and came up with a whole mess of thoughts about “coefficients of distraction”, “psychological effects”, and on and on. Fun stuff for a kitchen-table thinker, and very time-consuming, too. But, the PR Sherwood Green and PR Chocolat I bought more or less fit what I was looking for, and I use them regularly as intended.

    I like Dizzypen and Notebooker, Esq.’s active experimentation, too, but my wallet was yelling at me.:)


    • Jack! “coefficients of distraction!” Brilliant! Thank you for that phrase. Yes, thankfully may folks are experimenting with the rainbow. My hope is to find 3-4 colors that I can “sit with.”


  2. Yeah, I think “coefficient of distraction” was something about the point at which the ink color distracts or detracts from the message, but I never really nailed the idea. The mental labor was satisfying, though, and worked for me.

    BTW, Julie, you have literary colleagues, right? You think the fountain pen community would enjoy, say, a comic novel that hangs its hat on FPs as a literary conceit? (“Literary conceit” is from my English 101 days way back; I’m a semi-retired tech writer and ad salesman, non-literary.) A while back I thought a novel done as science fantasy featuring the struggle between the Roundballers and the Nib People would be a hoot. Think Morlocks and Eloi. A young literary guy or gal looking for a gimmick . . . yeah, well it’s a thought . . . .:) All the best for the weekend.


    • Most writers, myself included, have a history of kindly eschewing ideas pitched at them. We arrogantly believe our own inspired ideas to be the best ones to, uh, draw from. However, keep pitching your idea out there, Jack. Ya never know who might pick it up for you. There’s a lot of graphic artist fountain pen people.


  3. Thanks, Julie, but that’s just my inner sixth-grader yearning to breathe free!:-) In my early 20s I figured out I had nothing of literary value to say, and I didn’t want to say it anyway. Later on I reckoned I wouldn’t have been paid much to say it.

    Back to the point–I like the “public thinking” about inks.


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